Know And Use The Best Currency Converter Apps
There are a lot of currency converter apps available but all may not be of the same efficacy. You must research about these apps and then use it so that you are not caught out, again. XE Currencyis one that is most popular among travelers. Available both on Apple and Android, this converter will also allow you to keep a track of live rates available on every currency. What is most significant about this converter is that it works offline as well. Just make sure that you download the conversion rate of the country you will be visiting and you are good to go.
More than conversion
If you want a converter that will do more than simple conversion of currency the CalConvert is one you should use. This will not only convert the coins for you, but will also calculate with its built in calculator. This calculator has the most advanced features including scientific as well as mathematical functions. It can save a fair amount of your calculations history so that you can refer to it as and when required. It also allows you to convert lots of different units apart from currencies. The most significant aspect of this calculator is that it provides 24 hour support in case you need any help.
The Currency Convert
If you use an Apple then the easiest app to use for converting currency is Currency Convert. This will not need you to download the rates of currency exchange in advance. You simply have to set the base currency and the app will do the rest by downloading the current rate of exchange by itself for different countries and display it in the app. If you are dealing with virtual currency then you must use My Currency Converter. This supports BitCoin and DogeCoin and updates automatically the exchange rates for you in three decimal figures.