Planet Express- You Buy Products, We Deliver Products
For those wishing to buy online products from online retailers of the United Stats of America (USA), Planet Express provides shipment service throghout the world. We are a USA based company. We provide package deliver services all over the world. We have various shipment methods and you can choose any method accordingly. Pricings of the shipment vary as per the shipment method. To make the calculation of shipment rates convenient, you can use our online shipping calculator.
If you are buying multiple products whether from a single retailer or multiple retailer, you can avail our goods consolidation service. You just need to have delivered all the good to us. We check them to make sure that they are all in a good condition and then consolidate all of them into a single package. It not only makes the handling of the goods easy but also reduces the overall price of the shipment by removing the extra packaging material and empty space which ultimately reduce the weight of the package.
Consolidation of products save more than 50% on your shipment as smaller packages cost more than bigger packages when it comes to shipping. Planet Express gives you the luxury of using its warehouse for 30 days in order to collect your products from different retailers in the case of consolidation. You will be also provided with your US mailing address.
We provide product photo service as well in which you can request the photo of your products to make sure that the retailer has sent us the products that you had shopped for. You have the chioce of ordering for extra security tape and additional bubble wrap as well. If you are concerned with the timely arrival of your package than you can track the package using the track number given by us to you. Contact us for fast, easy, transparent and reliable shipment of your products.